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Bean's room is, as it name implies, Queen Bean personal bed room within Dreamland Castle.


In the show, Bean's room is one of the most frequently seen places in the castle, second only to the throne room.

It is known that Bunty is in there a lot, as of her being one of Bean's maids.

The room has a what seems to be queen or king's sized bed in the middle. There are stairs but it is unknown what they lead to. In the room there is also a mermaid poster, which shows that Bean was probably meant to have a romantic relationship with Mora from the very beginning. on the mantle of the fireplace in her room there is also a Music Box that her mother, Queen Dagmar, gave to her when she was a baby.

The room contains two couches and a table.

The wall next to the bed contains a secret door, but it is only big enough for Elves and Demons.

After Bean and Mora elope to an island in "Goodbye Bean", Bunty and her family inherit Bean's room and are last seen sleeping there.
